Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Basic facts
- Birth rate: 29
- Death rate: 14
- People per doctor: 7576
- Energy consumed: 0.13
- Life expectancy: 47
- Physical Conditions and population
- North east. very little
rain. poor water supply.
little vegetation or crops
grow. low pop. density
- South East. more rain,
better water supply,
temperatures and
humidity are high. medium pop. density
- West. Highland, more
rain than NE but water
supply is still a problem.
Good soils from volcanic
rocks. med-small pop.
- South. Highland, more
rain, and better water
supply, volcanic soils
are ideal for growing
crops, low
temperatures. high pop.
- Maasai
- Push factors: cities provide
better houses, jobs and
- Problems caused by
immigration to cities:
Population decrease, no
workers or farmers
- The Maasai are a tribe of
people from areas in Tanzania
and Kenya. They live a
nomadic lifestyle and can be
recognised by a red cloth or
- Tourism is becoming more
and more important in the
Maasai way of life because
growing crops and animals is
not making enough money.