Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Applications of ICT
- Banking systems and money
- Customers can:
add new accounts
- add/withdraw money
to any of the accounts
- pay bills by cheque
- Ask for a bank statement
- buy items online/in
store using debit cards
- Customer data stored
on banks large database
- send confirmation emails to customers after transaction
- Main task is to keep data
secure and make sure no
fraud is performed
- cheques
- used by older people as they cannot remeber PINs
- Banks threaten to stop using
cheques as it is expensive for them
- cheques has details such as
- The date
- Person/business being paid
- the amount in words
- amount in numbers
- signature
- Magnetic ink
character recognition
- 3 items encoded at
bottom of every cheque
- cheque no.
- branch sort code
- customer account number
- ink is magnetized,read
and inputted into the
computer very quickly
- advantages
- large amount
read quickly
- doesnt matter if
they are crumpled
or dirty
- characters are difficult to forge
- disadvantages
- expensive equipment
- very limited no.
characters can
be used
- Electronic funds transfer
- credit card
- money transferred from credit card company's
account to shops account. customer than
arranges payment with the credit card company
- Debit card
- money directly taken from
cutomers bank account to shops
- Home banking
- can carry out basic
banking tasks from
home such as:
- view a statement
of the account
- transfer money between accounts
- Bills can be paid
- set up/alter direct debits
- apply for loans/morgages
- disadvantages
- worried of security breaches
- lack of personal touch
- some banking services are not availble online
- Cashless society
- Less people carry money with
them, instead they carry
credit/debit cards
- drugs no longer sold on the streets
- no money theft
- no bank robberies/shop keeper attacks
- E-commerce
- Buying good electronically
- Large variety of goods
available ready to be
delivered to your door
- Avoid tine/expense of
travelling to stores
- Businesses that
work online don't
need to pay for
- Businesses can expand
their market easily
- long delivery times
- cannot physically
inspect goods
- worried about
personal data security
- Payroll
- input database/timesheets
containing employees details
- calculated amount of money
needed to pay the employee by the
amount of hours they have worked (plus overtime)
- outputs printed payslips or email
the employee their payslip
- updates amount of payments this
year + total tax paid this year
- Data sent to BACS system so
money can be transferred to
employees bank account
- Reports are outputs summarising the
companies pay for the period and
update accounting system