I Always Feel Tired


Mindmap am I Always Feel Tired, erstellt von Noree Alii am 29/04/2017.
Noree Alii
Mindmap von Noree Alii, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Noree Alii
Erstellt von Noree Alii vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

I Always Feel Tired
  1. Red Blood Cells
    1. Features
      1. Anucleated & biconcave discs
        1. Filled with hemoglobin
        2. Mean diameter 7.8 µm &Volume is 90-95 cubic µm.
        3. Membrane
          1. Concentration
            1. In Healthy men → 5,200,000 cells/cu µm &in healthy women → 4,700,000 cells/cu µm.
            2. Function
              1. Transport hemoglobin which carries respiratory gases.
              2. Formation
              3. Hemoglobin
                1. Structure
                  1. 4 globin chains
                    1. α, β, γ and δ
                    2. 4 heme groups
                      1. Prphyrin ring with central iron
                    3. Function
                      1. Transport of O2 from lungs to tissues &CO2 and H+ from tissues to the lungs for excretion
                        1. Antioxidant and a regulator of iron metabolism.
                          1. Act as buffer
                          2. Synthesis
                            1. Heme
                              1. Globin
                              2. Ranges
                                1. Adult male =  13.5 to 17.5 grams per deciliter
                                  1. Adult female = 12.0 to 15.5 grams per deciliter
                                2. Anemia
                                  1. Definition
                                    1. Reduction in the Red cell mass resulting in decreased oxygen transporting capacity of the blood
                                    2. Classification
                                      1. Microcytic - MCV<80 fl
                                        1. Iron deficiency
                                          1. Causes
                                            1. Increased loss or dietary deficiency
                                            2. Signs & Symptoms
                                              1. Angular stomatitis, Epithelial atrophy, Koilonichi, & Pica
                                              2. Investigation
                                                1. Laboratory findings
                                                  1. Decrease: serum ferritin, serum iron, and %saturation
                                                    1. Increase: TIBC
                                                    2. Other Diagnostic techniques
                                                      1. Gel electrophoresis - PCR - RFLP
                                                    3. Risk Factors
                                                      1. Women because they lose blood during menstruation - Infants and children - Vegetarians - Frequent blood donors
                                                      2. Complications
                                                        1. Heart problems (increase heart rate = heart failure) - Problems during pregnancy - Growth problems
                                                        2. Treatment
                                                          1. Oral or parenteral iron preparations, red cell transfusions, or recombinant EPO therapy
                                                        3. Anaemia of chronic disease (some cases)
                                                          1. Causes
                                                            1. Rheumatoid arthritis-Tuberculosis- Chronic alcoholism- Malignancy
                                                            2. Iron is trapped in BM macrophages
                                                              1. Laboratory findings
                                                                1. Decrease: MCV, serum iron,TIBC, & % saturation
                                                                  1. Increased: serum ferritin
                                                                2. Sideroblastic anaemia
                                                                  1. Causes
                                                                    1. Chronic alcoholism - VB6 deficiency - Lead poisoning - INH therapy - Hereditary types (x- linked)
                                                                    2. Iron overload type of anemia (RING SIDEROBLASTS )
                                                                    3. Thalassaemia
                                                                    4. Normocytic - MCV 80-100 fl
                                                                      1. Many haemolytic anaemias
                                                                        1. Anaemia of chronic disease (some cases)
                                                                          1. After acute blood loss
                                                                            1. Renal disease
                                                                              1. BM failure, post chemotherapy, infiltration by CA
                                                                              2. Macrocytic - MCV>100 fl
                                                                                1. Megaloblastic
                                                                                  1. V B12 deficiency
                                                                                    1. Causes
                                                                                      1. Decreased intake (vegan) Impaired absorption
                                                                                      2. Associated with neurological problems
                                                                                      3. Folate deficiency
                                                                                        1. Causes
                                                                                          1. Dietary deficiency (alcohol-elderly) - Increased demand ( pregnancy- cancer patients) - Limited body stores
                                                                                      4. Non-megaloblastic
                                                                                        1. Alcoholism Drugs (Ex- 5 FU) Liver disease
                                                                                    2. Signs & Symptoms
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