Zusammenfassung der Ressource
I Always Feel Tired
- Red Blood Cells
- Features
- Anucleated & biconcave discs
- Filled with hemoglobin
- Mean diameter 7.8 µm
&Volume is 90-95
cubic µm.
- Membrane
- Concentration
- In Healthy men → 5,200,000
cells/cu µm &in healthy women
→ 4,700,000 cells/cu µm.
- Function
- Transport hemoglobin which
carries respiratory gases.
- Formation
- Hemoglobin
- Structure
- 4 globin chains
- α, β, γ and δ
- 4 heme groups
- Prphyrin ring with central iron
- Function
- Transport of O2 from lungs to tissues &CO2 and
H+ from tissues to the lungs for excretion
- Antioxidant and a regulator of iron
- Act as buffer
- Synthesis
- Heme
- Globin
- Ranges
- Adult male = 13.5 to 17.5
grams per deciliter
- Adult female = 12.0 to 15.5
grams per deciliter
- Anemia
- Definition
- Reduction in the Red cell mass resulting in
decreased oxygen transporting capacity of the
- Classification
- Microcytic - MCV<80 fl
- Iron deficiency
- Causes
- Increased loss
or dietary
- Signs & Symptoms
- Angular stomatitis,
Epithelial atrophy,
Koilonichi, & Pica
- Investigation
- Laboratory findings
- Decrease: serum
ferritin, serum iron,
and %saturation
- Increase: TIBC
- Other Diagnostic
- Gel electrophoresis - PCR - RFLP
- Risk Factors
- Women because
they lose blood
menstruation -
Infants and
children -
Vegetarians -
Frequent blood
- Complications
- Heart problems (increase
heart rate = heart failure) -
Problems during pregnancy -
Growth problems
- Treatment
- Oral or parenteral
iron preparations,
red cell transfusions,
or recombinant EPO
- Anaemia of chronic disease (some cases)
- Causes
- Rheumatoid arthritis-Tuberculosis-
Chronic alcoholism- Malignancy
- Iron is trapped in BM macrophages
- Laboratory findings
- Decrease: MCV, serum
iron,TIBC, & % saturation
- Increased: serum ferritin
- Sideroblastic anaemia
- Causes
- Chronic alcoholism - VB6 deficiency
- Lead poisoning - INH therapy -
Hereditary types (x- linked)
- Iron overload type of anemia
- Thalassaemia
- Normocytic - MCV 80-100 fl
- Many haemolytic anaemias
- Anaemia of chronic
disease (some cases)
- After acute blood loss
- Renal disease
- BM failure, post
infiltration by CA
- Macrocytic - MCV>100 fl
- Megaloblastic
- V B12 deficiency
- Causes
- Decreased intake (vegan)
Impaired absorption
- Associated with neurological problems
- Folate deficiency
- Causes
- Dietary deficiency (alcohol-elderly) -
Increased demand ( pregnancy- cancer
patients) - Limited body stores
- Non-megaloblastic
- Alcoholism
Drugs (Ex- 5 FU)
Liver disease
- Signs & Symptoms