1_Benefits of DS in Education context


Patrick Lowenthal is the author of the article: Digital storytelling in education: An emerging institutional technology?
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

1_Benefits of DS in Education context
  1. Increase student engagement
    1. Give access to a global audience
      1. Amplify students’ voice
        1. Leverage multiple literacies
          1. Student emotion
            1. increasing student reflection (Barrett 2004),
              1. engendering student creativity (Hofer and Swan 2006),
                1. increasing students’ technology skills (Robin 2006),
                  1. developing communication skills (Porter 2006),
                    1. appealing to diverse learning styles (University of Houston n.d.),
                      1. creating critical thinkers (Ohler 2005/6)
                        1. critical viewers of media (Howell and Howell 2003),
                          1. improving research skills (University of Houston n.d.)
                            1. building learning communities (Standley and Ormiston 2003)
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