How effectively did the Nazis deal with their political opponents?


how the Nazis controlled Germany and its citizens.
Abby Dolbear
Mindmap von Abby Dolbear, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Abby Dolbear
Erstellt von Abby Dolbear vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

How effectively did the Nazis deal with their political opponents?
    1. (Secret state police)
      1. Force most feared by ordinary German citizens
        1. Reinhard Heydrich (commander.)


          1. Gestapo agent could arrest citizens on suspicion and send them to concentration camps without trial or even explanation
            1. Germans thought they were a lot more powerful than they actually were
              1. Know this due to modern research
                1. As a result many ordinary Germans informed on each other
                  1. As they thought the Gestapowould find out anyway
                2. THE SECRET POLICE
                3. THE POLICE AND COURTS
                  1. POLICE
                    1. Top of jobs in local police forces were given to high ranking Nazis
                      1. Reporting directly to Himmler
                      2. Under strict instructions to ignore crimes committed by Nazi agents
                      3. COURTS
                        1. Nazis controlled magistrates, judges and the courts
                          1. Therefore opponents of Nazism rarely received a fair trial
                        2. Block leaders
                          1. Very important in the huge organisation
                            1. 400,000
                              1. One in every street and in every block of flats in every town and city
                              2. Salute on their neighbours
                                1. Reported suspicious behaviour to party bosses
                                  1. In this manner political opponents and criminals could be identified and turned over to the police with ease
                            2. CONCENTRATION CAMPS
                              1. Ultimate sanction against their own people
                                1. Set up almost as soon as Hitler took power
                                  1. First camps in 1933
                                    1. Simply make shift presence in disused factories and warehouses
                                      1. First Dachau
                                      2. Although soon purpose built
                                        1. 25,000 people taken in the two month purge after the Reichstag fire
                                        2. Usually in isolated Rurel areas
                                          1. Run by SS Death's Head units
                                            1. WHAT LIFE WAS LIKE WITHIN
                                              1. Prisoners are forced to do hard labour
                                                1. Food very limited
                                                  1. Prisoners suffered harsh discipline
                                                    1. Beatings
                                                      1. Random execution
                                                      2. WHO ENDED UP THERE
                                                        1. Jews
                                                          1. Socialists
                                                            1. Communist
                                                              1. Trade unionist
                                                                1. Band by law on 10 May 1933
                                                                2. Churchman
                                                                  1. Anyone else brave enough to criticise the Nazis
                                                                  2. By late 1930s deaths in camps increasingly common, very few people emerged alive
                                                                  3. THE SS
                                                                    1. formed in 1925
                                                                      1. by fanatics loual to Hitler
                                                                      2. After virtually destrouing the SA in 1934, it grew into a huge organisation with many different responsibilities
                                                                        1. Led by Heinrich Himmler.
                                                                          1. primary responsibility for destroying opposition to Nazism
                                                                            1. carrying out racial policies of the Nazis
                                                                            2. All Aryans
                                                                              1. very highly trained
                                                                                1. totally loyal to Hitler.
                                                                                2. Death's Head units
                                                                                  1. Responsible for concentratin campls and the slaughter of the Jews.
                                                                                  2. Waffen - SS
                                                                                    1. special armoured regiments, fought alongside regular army
                                                                                  3. By 1938 the party had 5 million members over half 1 million officials. Its organisation allowed it to supervise every citizen
                                                                                    1. The Nazis wanted to achieve total control over peoples lives
                                                                                      1. More control easier it was to put aims into affect
                                                                                        1. These are the methods of controlling the people


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