
This is POS (point of sale) Product.
Sulabh Saxena
Mindmap von Sulabh Saxena, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Sulabh Saxena
Erstellt von Sulabh Saxena vor fast 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Super Admin (Web)
    1. Package Management Module
      1. CRUD Operation for Package Type
        1. CRUD Operation for Package
      2. Global Settings Module
        1. Email Setting
          1. SMS Setting
          2. Reports
            1. Software Usage Reports
              1. Basic Reports
              2. Other Features
                1. Renewal alerts
                  1. Usage Alerts
                    1. Package / Customer History
                2. Notification Engine WEB
                  1. Unique Invoice view url management
                    1. SMS API integration
                      1. Email Settings
                        1. Load balancing using MSMQ or Rabbit MQ (Message Queues)
                          1. Daily Notification to Vendor
                          2. Vendor WEB Portal
                            1. CRUD Opration For Company/Business
                              1. Item Management
                                1. CRUD Opration For Item Register
                                  1. Item Creation though templates
                                    1. Item CODe Management
                                      1. Code alotment by choice
                                        1. Item Barcode No
                                          1. Generate Barcode
                                            1. Print Barcode
                                          2. CRUD Opration For Vendor Customer
                                            1. Reports
                                              1. Item Consumption Reports
                                                1. Daily/monthy/weekly sales reports
                                                  1. Invoice Register
                                                  2. Others
                                                    1. Re-order level alerts
                                                      1. Comparison charts based on custom criterias
                                                        1. Excel, CSV, Tally output format support
                                                        2. Settings
                                                          1. Payment Gateway Settings
                                                            1. SMS Setting
                                                              1. Email Setting
                                                          2. Mobile APP
                                                            1. Notification Engine App
                                                              1. Invoice notification
                                                                1. Payment Notification with invioce url
                                                                  1. SMS, Email notification
                                                                    1. Custom Notification support
                                                                    2. POS User/Vendor APP
                                                                      1. POS Like Interface
                                                                        1. Wireless printer support
                                                                          1. Plug n play hardware support
                                                                            1. UI Switcher (POS/Invoice)
                                                                              1. Create Invoice or Estimate
                                                                                1. Default Price list settings and selection
                                                                                  1. Data and settings Sync module
                                                                                    1. Online payment Gateway Integration
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