the mind of consumer


final project for class
Jacklyn L. Zhang
Mindmap von Jacklyn L. Zhang, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Jacklyn L. Zhang
Erstellt von Jacklyn L. Zhang vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Windows System
    1. Conservative
      1. shaped our habit to use computer
        1. worse on antivirus
          1. hard to operate
            1. opening pc music
              1. memory of pc
                1. childhood
                2. Sky Blue
                  1. windows 8
                    1. tried to catch up
                      1. no big difference
                        1. hard to use
                        2. boring desk top
                        3. Micorsoft Office
                          1. great products
                            1. work on Apple's Mac
                            2. cannot live without it
                              1. dominant the market
                                1. no other choice
                                2. classic
                                  1. lack of change
                                    1. effient
                                    2. old
                                      1. long history
                                        1. resistent to change
                                          1. old people like it
                                            1. lack of innovation
                                              1. insensitive to market
                                              2. rarely have new product
                                              3. Big company
                                                1. hiearchy
                                                2. Surface
                                                  1. ridiculously pricy
                                                    1. crazy about money
                                                    2. failure
                                                      1. young
                                                        1. energy
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