Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Human Intelligence
- Evolutionary factors
- Change in diet promoted brain development
- Meat is thought to have provided an
evolutionary advantage - more nutrient rich diet
- Shipman & Walker - meat became part
of the diet ~ 3 million years ago
- Molars shrank before brain growth - meat made the brain grow
- Leonard - homo erectus molar SA 380mm, homo sapien 320mm
- Provided essential AAs & ions
- Made favourable by natural selection
- Excess energy used for brain growth & development
- Properties
of meat
had to eat
- Brain became more convoluted,
more folds, more intelligence
- Humans harnessed fire ~ 500,000 years ago
- Cooking made food easier to chew,
required less effort to digest food
- Able to extract more nutrients
- Molar size decreased
- Kaitovich - after cooking,
humans started making new
& more sophisticated tools
- This lead to new & better tools
being created, increased
ingenuity, technology & culture
- Cooked food didn't require energy
to bring up to body temperature
- Limiting factor, brain
size limited by size
of the birth canal
- Khaitovich et al - 200,000
years ago, gene for
metabolic function rapidly
evolved. Increasing brain
energy expenditure
- Foraging demands
- Frugivores had to increase cognitive
functioning to maintain food supply
only available at certain times+places
- Tool use indicator of
intelligence, used to
extract food
- Mercader et al -
evidence of tool
use in chimps
- More successful
groups use more
sophisticated tools than
less successful groups
- Beals - eastern asians have
larger cranial volume, more
demanding environment to
survive. Larger brains needed
- Out of Africa hypothesis
- Peters - male brains heavier
than females, no difference in IQ
- Gender bias
- Brain organisation more important,
female brain more organised
- Social complexity
- Intelligence & brain size
greater in species with
complex social structures
- In response to demands of group living
inc. ToM & Machiavellian intelligence
- Dunbar - strong correlation between social group
size & neocortex size. Not with environement
- Schillaci - largest brain
sizes in monogamous
mating systems.
Monogamous relations
require complex social skills
- Homo sapiens group size ~ 150, intelligence
important for survival within a group
- Mitani & Watts - male chimps more likely
shared meat with other males, than females.
Formed alliances, more successful future
hunting. Machiavellian intelligence
- Meat also used for sex: Hill & kaplan - Ache people
(Paraguay) meat shared outside group. Skilled
hunters get disproportionate sexual favours
- Great diversity in primate social systems.
Orang-utans have ToM - live in small groups
- Ants, no ToM, live in large social groups
- Primates brains should
be 3x larger if group
living is a main factor
- Issues with a large brain
- Require lots of energy & compete with body's other organs for resources
- Takes longer to mature, greater
dependence on parents for longer,
limits minimum reproductive age
- Selective pressures against
developing a larger brain
- Large brains not exclusive to humans, primates
have similar sized brains (in ratio) yet lack langage
- Genetic factors in test performance
- Twin & adoption studies
- Bouchard & McGue - IQ concordance 60%
DZ raised together 72% MZ raised apart
- Malouff et al - meta analysis, half
variation in IQ scores due to genetics
- The Texas Adoption Project (Horn et al) - adopted
children studies 10 years apart 1st IQ closer to
adopted parents, 2nd IQ closer to genetic parents.
Family impact decreases with age, genetics increase
- Kamin & Goldberger - twin studies
overestimate inheritability, MZ twins more
similar due to similar environment
- Voracek & Haubner - twin & single
births IQ tested, twins 4 points lower
- Tang et al - mice genetically modified to boost
memory and learning, same could be done in humans
- Turkheimer et al - well of children have
~ 60% due to genetics, poorer families
have little/no genetic influence
- Genetic engineering, can be used to alter human DNA
if a gene for intelligence is found to raise intelligence
- Genes may cause us to seek
certain experiences not others
- Children often adopted into similar
families - explains high correlations
- Genetics
- Hill et al - x2 super
bright group children
had IGF2R variant
- Less than half super bright group
had this variant, some average group
had it environmental & genetic
factors make up final intelligence
- Discovery of 'intelligence genes could lead to
discrimination against those who don't have it
- Caspi et al - children with FADS2 variant had IQ scores 7
points higher if they were breastfed. Children with another
variant showed no improvement
- Genes can alter environmental influences
- Diathesis stress
- Environmental factors in test performance
- Family enrionment
- Socioeconomic status: Class I (professional) -
Class V (unskilled)
- Mackintosh - after financial harship & area
of residence are accounted, class I children
score average 10 IQ more than class V
- Higher SES - able to provide children with better
resources. Essential to cognitive development
- Can be used to give adopted low
SES children a good chance
- Schiff et al - low SES children adopted
in high SES, improved IQ scores
- Low SES children showed lower PFC
response to novel stimuli, possible
consequence of stressful, poor environment
- Birth order & family size
- Belmont & Marolla - family size in 386 19 year old Dutch men. Larger families
had lower IQ than smaller families. First born child had typically higher IQ
- Bjerkedal et al - birth order effect found in
Norway. Forst born highest IQ, when first
child died, 2nd child IQ close to 1st average
- Blake - 100,000 people in
small/medium families, birth order
had no effect on progression in
education. Birth effects don't persist
- Culture
- Group socialization theory - experiences
outside the home more important for
developing intelligence than those in the home.
- As someone gets older they
become less dependent on family
life, more influenced by peers
- Pinker - gens & peers have some
influence on behaviours such as
smoking, but not on intelligence
- Herrnstein & Murray - US immigrants had
lower IQ than nationals, immigration caused a
downwards pressure on intelligence. Increase
in social problems associated with low IQ
- Greenfields - IQ testing someone from another culture
promotes cultural bias in test scores - imposed etic
- Ceci - meta analysis to see if school
improved IQ. Higher IQ for more regular
attendance & IQ decreases over summer
holidays. Average rise 2.7 per school year
- Herrnstein & Murray - intelligence mostly inherited genetically, no one can manipulate IQ significantly through environment & schooling
- Head start - 1960s project provided compensation
education to underprivileged children. Some initial IQ
gains, long term effectiveness only in some individuals
- Perry preschool project - high quality preschooling for
African-American children in poverty with high risk of school
failure. Starting school 67% individuals in the programme
had IQ > 90, only 28% not in programme had IQ > 90