Causes Of Unemployment


Mindmap am Causes Of Unemployment, erstellt von Zul Helmi am 14/05/2014.
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Causes Of Unemployment
  1. B) Mismatch between the focus of higher education institutions(HEIs) and the needs of the industry
    1. Incompatibility in the knowledge provided by HEIs (Professor Dr. Noor Azina Ismail )
      1. i. Great disparity between education and industry
        1. ii. Education system is too exam-orientated and theory based (M. Mourshed, D.Ferrell & D.Barton)
          1. iii. HEI students lack of job-related skills
          2. Dynamics of labour market. (Sir Andrew Burns, the chair of the Committee of University Chairs (CUC))
            1. i. Continual changes in the demand for certain skills and expertise (Professor Dr.Noor Azina Ismail)
              1. ii. Increased competition in the labour market.( Sir Andrew Burns, the chair of the Committee of University Chairs (CUC))
            2. A) lack of experience and skills among graduates
              1. A. Preference for graduates with experience
                1. i. Need for more work-related experience through practical training(Malaysian Employers Federation)
                2. B. Preference for graduates with essential skills
                  1. ii. Need for graduates to have proficiency in English
                    1. Need for graduates to have soft skills
                  2. C)Attitude of graduates when seeking jobs
                    1. Graduates are being choosy(
                      1. i. Graduates expecting to be paid high salaries
                        1. ii. Graduates applying for jobs only related to their studies
                        2. B. Graduates prefer to work in an environment that provides comfort and convenience
                          1. Graduates expecting to work in nearby area to their home
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