Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Physics Light
- Dispersion
- Light from the sun looks
- White
- But really its all the colours of the spectrum
- We only see
- White
- Because the light is travaling way too FAST
- And Thats where this comes in
- The Light goes through the prism and slows down
- This Is called...
- Refraction
- And no, all you minecraft nerds its not this guy..
- When a light enters a prism it sort of changes direction
- because it slows down
- Filters
- As you (should) already know the suns light is all the colours of the spectrum
- But when it goes through a filter
- the filter blocks out a lot of colours
- But it keeps one or two
- and thats why through a red filter
- you can only see red
- if you put two filters together you can SOMETIMES see black
- Thats when the two filters let in different colours
- e.g if you had a
- Blue Filter
- and a
- Red filter
- you could only see
- Black
- because blue blocks out red light
- and red blocks out blue light
- but if say it was
- a green filter
- and a yellow filter
- you would be able to see yellow
- because
- green filters let through yellow and green
- and yellow filters let yellow light through