Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Computer science
- ROM and RAM
- RAM is the memory in which the computer
stores data in current use
- RAM is volatile becuase one the power is
switched off, data inside of it is lost
- ROM provides the computer
with instructions that do not
- This is Non-Volatile
- Cloud storage
- Cloud computing is the term for
processing your data on computer
systems that belong to someone else, and
accesingthem from the internet
- Advantages: Access from
anywhere with internet
connection, Offices across the
world can access the same
files, disaster recovery is
- Disavantages: You need a reliable
internet connection and Someone
else is keeping your files safe
- Embedded systems
- Embedded system is where a
computer system is a part of a much
bigger deviced
- Examples: Traffic lights, watches,
MRI scans and MP3 players
- Systems Architeture
- Arithmetic logic Unit(ALU)
- The ALU performs mathmatical and logical operations
required by the code then passes the result to them
- Buses
- A communication system within a
computer that transfers data between
- Control unit
- The component in the CPU that directs
the operation of the processor, it
controls the data movements around
the processor
- Clock
- The Clock keeps everything in the CPU in
time. The faster the clock speed the more
instructions a CPU can execute per second
- The Fetch-execute cycle
- Fetch: The next instruction is fetched
to the CPU from the main memory
- Decode: The instruction is decoded to
work out what it is
- execute: The instruction is executed, this may
mean write/read to/from main memory
- Von Neumann