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Lady Macbeth Quotes
- Act 1
- "I would while it was smiling in my face have plucked my
nipple from its boneless gums and dashed its brains out"
- Look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under't"
- Murdering ministers
- Come you spirits and unsex me here
- Take my milk for Gall
- "When you durst do it then you are a Man"
- "Screw your courage to the sticking place"
- "Under my battlements"
- To full of the milk of human kindness
- Act 5
- "Out damned spot"
- "will these hands ne'er be clean?"
- The thane of Fife had a wife where is she now
- To bed, to bed
- " all the perfumes of Arabia will not
sweeten this little hand"
- "Hell is Murky"
- Act 2
- "lest occasion calls and show us to be watchers"
- "What in our house"
- Lady Macbeth's power decline
- " Be innocent of the knowledge dearest chuck
- " Was the hope drunk"