Play and development


1st year EDT Mindmap am Play and development, erstellt von jyss_saints am 17/05/2014.
Mindmap von jyss_saints, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von jyss_saints vor fast 11 Jahre
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Play and development
  1. physical development
    1. contributes to sensorimotor development by means of activities
      1. throwing balls
        1. lifting and carrying objects
          1. climbing
            1. construction play
              1. running around
              2. Gordon and Browne
                1. the child learns to gain control over his body and play enhances the self concept
                  1. it helps muscle development
                    1. it helps the child gain physical strength
                      1. it increases smoothness and speed in movement
                        1. it envelops the senses
                          1. it provides challenges
                            1. it requires active use of the body
                              1. it allows for repetition and practice of skills
                                1. it refines hand-eye co-ordination
                                  1. it develops childs self awareness
                                    1. it encourages health and fitness
                                      1. it is an outlet for energy
                                    2. cognitive development
                                      1. it teaches the child to distinguish between reality and fantasy
                                        1. it encourages creative thinking and curiosity
                                          1. it creates opportunities for problem solving
                                            1. encourages planning for activities
                                              1. develops memory, perceptual skills and concept formation
                                                1. promotes experimentation with a variety of roles
                                                  1. learns to use own initiative
                                                    1. acquires knowledge and integrates learning experiences
                                                      1. builds communication skills
                                                        1. develops listening and verbal skills
                                                          1. develops positive self-image and sense of competence
                                                            1. learn about others and the world
                                                              1. learn to understand the world
                                                                1. learn to sort, classify and probe for answers
                                                                  1. link between imaginative play and language developement
                                                                    1. concepts like reversibility and equality developed
                                                                    2. emotional development
                                                                      1. develops self-confidence and leads to a positive self-image
                                                                        1. learns to look at matters for different perspectives
                                                                          1. helps dispel inner fears and conflicts
                                                                            1. builds trust in others
                                                                              1. reveals own personality
                                                                                1. encourages autonomy
                                                                                  1. learns to take risks
                                                                                    1. express feelings of anger, hostility, frustration and joy
                                                                                      1. helps gain self control
                                                                                        1. helps build compotance in several areas
                                                                                          1. opportunity to master environment
                                                                                            1. child is in command
                                                                                              1. safe way to test the expression of feelings
                                                                                              2. social development
                                                                                                1. opportunity to try on a variety of roles and personlaities
                                                                                                  1. learns co-operations and taking turns
                                                                                                    1. learns to lead and follow
                                                                                                      1. broad base for use of social language skills
                                                                                                        1. verbalise needs
                                                                                                          1. reflect own culture and value
                                                                                                            1. promotes knowledge of societys rules and group of responsibility
                                                                                                              1. learns to participate in groups
                                                                                                                1. builds an awareness of self as a member of a group
                                                                                                                  1. promotes self-identification and gender-role identifiction
                                                                                                                    1. promotes self image and self concept
                                                                                                                      1. experiences delight
                                                                                                                        1. decide for himself if he wants to play or not
                                                                                                                          1. development of common goals and interests
                                                                                                                            1. learns to see others perspectives
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