Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Classification & Diagnosis of phobias
- Clinical characteristics
- Diagnosis
- Fear persistent & excessive
- Phobic stimulus causes an immediate response
- Individual is aware their fear is irrational
- Phobia interferes with daily life
- Phobia has existed for
more than 6 months
- DSM & ICD used
for classification
- 3 types of phobia
- Specific phobia -
fear of an object
- Social phobia - fear
of a social situation
- Agoraphobia - fear of situations where
escape may be difficult/open spaces
- Reliability
- Reliability - the consistency
of a measuring instrument
- Inter-rater reliability -
how consistent different
clinicians diagnosis is
- Skyre et al - three clinicians assessed 54 patients
using the Structured Clinical Interview (SCID-I)
Inter-rater agreement +.72
- semi-structured interview - extensive training
- Kendler et al - low retest
reliability due to poor recall
or exaggeration of fears
- May also be due to different
clinicians seeing different
things as significant
- Test-retest reliability - used to
check external reliability. Same
test given on different occasions
- Hiller et al - satisfactory - exellent diagnosis agreement
in test-retest using Munich Diagnostic Checklist (MDC)
- Validity
- Validity - extent that a diagnosis
represents something real & distinct
- Research requires high validity assessment
methods else the findings will have low validity
- Comorbidity decreases usefulness of diagnostic categories
- Kendler et al - high comorbidity between
social phobias & animal phobias
- Eyesenk - up to 66% diagnosed with one anxiety disorder have another
- Concurrent validity - measures the validity of a
classification method comparing it to an existing one
- Taijn-kyofusho (TKS) Japanese phobia
of embarrassing someone in public. Not
a British phobia. Cultural differences
- Construct validity - sees if
individuals with key behaviours
are diagnosed as phobic
- Someone with social phobia
underestimates their social ability