Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- ANOVAs Basics
- Deal with differences
between/ among means
of a sample
- No restrictions
on the number of
- ANOVAs allow
more than one
- IVs= factors
Conditions= levels of
- Between subject
factors: levels vary
between participants
- Within subject factors:
levels vary within a
- Reporting findings: F(x,xx)= x.xx, p= (<) xx.xx
- ANOVA less likely to make a type
1 error than a t-test when there=
2+ IVs
- F Ratio
- Variance due to IV/
Error variance = F
- Small F= error variance
larger than IV varience
- Large F= error variance
smaller than IV variance
- Large F= more
likelihood variances
caused by IV
- Degrees of Freedom
- Two figures need
- Df- No of levels -1, then N - number of levels
- Reading (one way) ANOVA output
- DF: Condition df needed, error df needed.
Total= sample size
- Two-way ANOVA
- 2 factors
- x*x e.g 2*2
- Need 3 sig. tests as= 2
main effects, 1 interaction
- Examine interaction first, if that
not present examine main
- Interaction: the way in which
the two factors interact.An
interaction is when one variable
behaves differently in each
condition of the other variable