Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Why Do Christians Promote Racial Harmony
- 'Love thy neighbour'
- Treat others how you would like to be treated
- Jesus treated everybody equally
- On the cross he said to the thieves beside him
"Tomorrow I will be with you in paradise"
- He would welcome prostitutes and theives as his friends
- The Good Samaritan
- The Samaritan didn't judge the Jew, he helped him
- The Samaritan was the better neighbour
- The Bible
- "From one human being he created all races on
earth and made them live throughout the whole
earth" (Acts 17:26)
- "Do not ill-treat foreigners who
are living in your land"
(Leviticus 19:33)
- God created Heaven and Earth for everyone
- "If an alien comes into your land, do not mistreat
him, for you were aliens in Egypt" St Paul, Galatians
- They believe in equality
- Part if this is religious pluralism, a healthy view