Transport in Humans


Mind map for transport in humans. Mentions the circulatory system and respiration
Mindmap von brianna.lewis, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von brianna.lewis vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Transport in Humans
  1. The circulatory system
    1. needed for transport of:
      1. nutrients
        1. wastes
          1. hormones
            1. antibodies
            2. consists of:
              1. heart (pump)
                1. blood (with blood pigments to carry oxygen)
                  1. blood vessels (arteries/arterioles, veins/venules, capillaries)
                  2. blood vessels and their functions
                    1. arteries- oxygenated blood away from heart, thick outer walls, under high pressure
                      1. veins- de-oxygenated blood towards heart, thin walls, under low pressure
                        1. capillaries- tiny blood vessels, slow blood flow-allows diffusion to take place
                        2. Double circulatory system
                          1. blood flows through the heart twice on a complete journey around the body
                            1. there are two systems: pulmonary (to the heart), systematic (to the rest of the body)
                          2. Blood
                            1. 45% cells, 55% plasma
                              1. carries oxygen via haemaglobin
                                1. contains white blood cells which help immunity
                                  1. transports: blood cells, dissolved nutrients, carbon dioxide, hormones, vitamins and mineral ions
                                    1. Red Blood Cells
                                      1. disc shaped with conclave centre
                                        1. large surface area for absorbing oxygen
                                          1. full of haemaglobin used for carrying oxygen (gives blood red pigment
                                            1. no nucleus- more room for carrying oxygen
                                              1. made in bone marrow
                                              2. white blood cells
                                                1. have a nucleus
                                                  1. do not carry oxygen
                                                    1. are involved in immune response
                                                      1. contain phagocytes
                                                        1. engulf and destroy foreign materials such as bacteria
                                                        2. contain lymphocytes
                                                          1. proteins called antibodies which attack foreign materials
                                                    2. respiration
                                                      1. the release of energy from food substances in all living things
                                                        1. uses of energy
                                                          1. growth
                                                            1. cell division
                                                              1. movement
                                                                1. maintaining body temp.
                                                                2. active transport
                                                                  1. aerobic respiration
                                                                3. oxygen+sugar - carbon dioxide+water
                                                                  1. aerobic respiration
                                                                    1. sugar+oxygen - carbon dioxide+water+energy
                                                                      1. C6H2O6+6O2 = 6CO2+6H2O+energy
                                                                        1. part of this reaction occurs in the mitochondria
                                                                      2. Anaerobic respiration
                                                                        1. the release of energy from food without combining it with oxygen
                                                                          1. in muscles
                                                                            1. suagr - lactic acid+energy
                                                                              1. C6H12O6 = 2C3H6O3+energy
                                                                                1. this reaction occurs in the cytoplasm of cells
                                                                              2. lactic acid is carried to the liver in the blood.
                                                                                1. oxygen debt is created - meaning that the lactic acid still needs to be broken down again using oxygen, therefor you will continue to breath
                                                                                2. Yeast
                                                                                  1. sometimes called fermentation
                                                                                    1. sugar = alcohol+carbon dioxide+energy
                                                                                      1. C6H12O6 = 2C2H5OH+2CO2+energy
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