Zusammenfassung der Ressource
M of V themes
- Mercy and Justice
- Court room scene
- Portia turns bitter hatred
into mercy and justice
- Antonio-pound of flesh
- Shylock m/f from Portia
and Antonio
- Christian forgiveness
- Christians expect
Shylock to show mercy
- Love
- Family
- Shylock and Jessica
- Awful/hurtful to each other
- Shylock loved his wife
- Jessica making Shylock hurt
easily portrays love he has for
- Friends
- Bassanio and Antonio
- Antonio willing to do
anything for Bassanio
- Get more in debt just to pay
more money to bassanio
- Antonio show romantic
- Bassanio doesn't show
as much love
- Unequal love
- Romantic love
- Portia and Bassanio
- Feelings for portia caused by beauty
and wealth
- Jessica and Lorenzo
- Jessica is wealthy and
Lorenzo want money
- Hatred
- Between Christians and Jews
- Antonio and Shylock
- In court scene
- Antonio damaged interest rates
- Antonio: bullies/spits/kicks
- Prejudice
- Shylock: cruel/villan
- however constantly mistreated
- Anti-Jewish
- Money and Value
- Christians seem generous
with their money
- Antonio and Bassanio
- Bassanio and Lorenzo
recklessley spend
their money
- Shylock portrayed as mean and
tight fisted with his money
- He seems more worried about
money that jessica when she
runs away
- Bassanio married Portia for cash
- Jessica trades mothers ring
- Stereotypes
- Caskets to ensure Portia was valued for
more than appearance and wealth