M of V themes


GCSE English Mindmap am M of V themes, erstellt von Lavina Railton am 17/05/2017.
Lavina Railton
Mindmap von Lavina Railton, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Lavina Railton
Erstellt von Lavina Railton vor fast 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

M of V themes
  1. Mercy and Justice
    1. Court room scene
      1. Portia turns bitter hatred into mercy and justice
      2. Antonio-pound of flesh
        1. Shylock m/f from Portia and Antonio
          1. Christian forgiveness
            1. Christians expect Shylock to show mercy
            2. Love
              1. Family
                1. Shylock and Jessica
                  1. Awful/hurtful to each other
                    1. Shylock loved his wife
                      1. Jessica making Shylock hurt easily portrays love he has for her
                    2. Friends
                      1. Bassanio and Antonio
                        1. Antonio willing to do anything for Bassanio
                          1. Get more in debt just to pay more money to bassanio
                          2. Antonio show romantic love
                            1. Bassanio doesn't show as much love
                              1. Unequal love
                            2. Romantic love
                              1. Portia and Bassanio
                                1. Feelings for portia caused by beauty and wealth
                                2. Jessica and Lorenzo
                                  1. Jessica is wealthy and Lorenzo want money
                              2. Hatred
                                1. Between Christians and Jews
                                  1. Antonio and Shylock
                                    1. In court scene
                                      1. Antonio damaged interest rates
                                        1. Antonio: bullies/spits/kicks Shylock
                                      2. Prejudice
                                        1. Shylock: cruel/villan
                                          1. however constantly mistreated
                                          2. Anti-Jewish
                                          3. Money and Value
                                            1. Christians seem generous with their money
                                              1. Antonio and Bassanio
                                              2. Bassanio and Lorenzo recklessley spend their money
                                                1. Shylock portrayed as mean and tight fisted with his money
                                                  1. He seems more worried about money that jessica when she runs away
                                                  2. Bassanio married Portia for cash
                                                    1. Jessica trades mothers ring
                                                      1. Stereotypes
                                                        1. Caskets to ensure Portia was valued for more than appearance and wealth
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