English Syllabus


Mindmap am English Syllabus, erstellt von Juan Jim am 17/05/2017.
Juan Jim
Mindmap von Juan Jim, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Juan Jim
Erstellt von Juan Jim vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

English Syllabus
  1. Aim
    1. To reach A1 level
      1. Based on the common European framework
    2. Time
      1. 180 hours
        1. 3 hours per day
          1. 5 hours per week
            1. 12 weeks to complete the level
        2. Levels
          1. 3 levels: 60 hours each
        3. Size of the group
          1. minimum
            1. 4 students
            2. maximun
              1. 6 students
            3. Class management
              1. Phase 1
                1. The tutor will present the topic using different strategies such as: videos, songs, games or any kind of didactic resource to introduce, contextualize and explain the topic.
                2. Phase 2
                  1. Students will practice the topic that was taught in the previous phase by completing the tasks proposed in the syllabus.
                  2. Phase 3
                    1. In the last phase the tutor will use any kind of activity to promote speaking and listening for production.
                  3. Book
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