Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Mechanisms of evolution
- Genetic variation
- Mutations
- New alleles
- Sexual reproduction
- Independent assortment
- Crossing over
- Segregation
- Genetic drift
- Bottleneck effect
- Founders effect
- Gene flow
- Small vs large populations
- Natural selection
- Genetic variation
- Selection pressures
- Stabilising selection
- Directional selection
- Disruptive selection
- The Origin of species
- Define Biological species
- Stages in species development
- reproductive isolating mechanisms (RIM'S)
- Gene flow reduced
- Geographical isolation
- Common casues
- Effect on gene flow
- Behavioural isolation
- Ecological isolation
- Temporal isolation
- mechanical isolation
- Gametic isolation
- Polyploidy
- How it leads to speciation
- How is this advantageous
- Hybrids
- Variation
- Natural selection
- Mutation
- New Zealand geographical past
- Effect on speciation
- Types of speciation
- Allopatric speciation
- Explain significance of... in allowing allopatric speciation to occur
- Migration
- Geographical isolation
- Ecological isolation
- Sympatric speciation
- Compare and contrast allopatric and sympatric speciation
- How this effects the evolution of plants and animals
- Patterns of Evolution
- Define
- Adaptive radiation
- Supported by DNA and fossil evidence
- Divergent evolution
- How the presence of a homologous structure can support this
- Convergent evolution
- May cause analogous structures to arise
- Co-evolution
- Examples
- Flowering plants and pollinators
- Parasites and their hosts
- Predators and their prey
- Grazing herbivores and grassland species
- Biogeoraphy
- How it allows adaptive radiation o occur
- How it brings about divergent evolution from a common ancestor
- Types of scientific evidence
- Describe
- Fossil evidecne
- Comparative anatomy
- Analogous
- Homologous
- Molecular biology
- Proteins
- DNA analysis
- Link to a pattern of evolution
- Rate of evolutionary change
- Pace of evolutionary change
- Punctuated equilibrium
- Gradualism