Hitchcock's Cinematic Style - influence


AS level MIA (Factfiles) Mindmap am Hitchcock's Cinematic Style - influence, erstellt von Marcus Hayes am 22/05/2017.
Marcus Hayes
Mindmap von Marcus Hayes, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Marcus Hayes
Erstellt von Marcus Hayes vor fast 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Hitchcock's Cinematic Style - influence
  1. Paris 1960's
    1. New Wave directors, Francois Truffaut and Claude Chabrol embraced Hitchcock's dark vision of criminality, while in London, young Polish director Roman Polanski created a terrifying Hitchcockian nightmare in his debut film, Repulsion (1965)
      1. The 'Cahiers du cinema' was a French film magazine that first coined the term 'auteur' to describe a view of filmmaking in which the director is considered the primary creative force in a motion picture.
        1. The key directors of the French New Wave - Francois Truffaut, Jean-Luc Godard, Claude Chabrol, Eric Rohmer, Jacques Rivette
        2. New Hollywood
          1. Scorcese
            1. Dynamic Camera Movement, POV Shot, Cross-cutting
            2. Steven Spielberg
              1. "Vertigo" Dolly Zoom - "Jaws" Dolly Zoom, camera angles and editing
              2. Brian De Palma
                1. Similar Themes, Gliding camera-work
              3. Influence
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