Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Etapas en la producción de petróleo
- Primaria
- http://mipetrosite.blogspot.com/2009/11/mecanismos-de-produccion.html
- desplazamiento por la energía natural existente en el yacimiento
- Improve oil recovery: medidas
tomadas durante las etapas
primaria y secundaria para
incrementar el recobro del petroleo
- Correspondiente a EOR y otras
actividades como caracterización de los
yacimientos, etc.
- Empuje por agua
- http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_NSCkyxm1jwY/SvT2584XoPI/AAAAAAAAAFM/l4skeR1Y4NM/s400/d.jpg
- Empuje por gas en solución
- Expansión de la roca y de los fluidos
- Empuje por capa de gas
- Drenaje por gravedad
- Secundaria
- por inyección de agua o gas
- Terciaria
- uso de gases miscibles, enegía térmica, etc
- Técnicas de recobro mejorado
/Enhanced oil recovery
- Gas injection or miscible flooding
- Plasma-Pulse utilizes low energy
emissions to create the same effect that
many other technologies can produce
except without negative ecological
- Injection miscible solvents
- Polymer flooding consists in mixing
long chain polymer molecules with
the injected water in order to
increase the water viscosity
- Microbial injection is part of
microbial enhanced oil recovery and
is rarely used because of its higher
cost and because the developments is
not widely accepted
- Carbon dioxide is particularly effective
in reservoirs deeper than 2,000 ft.,
where CO2 will be in a supercritical
- Hydrocarbon displacement is where
a slug of hydrocarbon gas is pushed
into the reservoir in order to form a
miscible phase at high pressure.
- Thermal methods
- are used to heat the crude oil in the
formation to reduce its viscosity
and/or vaporize part of the oil and thus
decrease the mobility ratio. The
increased heat reduces the surface
tension and increases the permeability
of the oil. The heated oil may also
vaporize and then condense forming
improved oil.
- Steam flooding (see sketch) is one means of introducing
heat to the reservoir by pumping steam into the well with a
pattern similar to that of water injection. Eventually the
steam condenses to hot water, in the steam zone the oil
evaporates and in the hot water zone the oil expands. As a
result the oil expands the viscosity drops and the
permeability increases. To ensure success the process
has to be cyclical. This is the principal enhanced oil
recovery program in use today.
- Fire flood works best when the oil saturation and
porosity are high. Combustion generates the heat
within the reservoir itself. Continuous injection of air or
other gas mixture with high oxygen content will
maintain the flame front. As the fire burns, it moves
through the reservoir toward production wells. Heat
from the fire reduces oil viscosity and helps vaporize
reservoir water to steam. The steam, hot water,
combustion gas and a bank of distilled solvent all act to
drive oil in front of the fire toward production wells
- Las 3 etapas no deben ser necesariamente aplicadas en orden