Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Anemia: ↓ or Ineffective RBC production
- Hematopoetic Stem Cell Failure/BM failure
- Acquired/Hereditary Aplastic
- N RDW, ↑ MCV
- Fanconi's Anemia
- Diamond-Blackfan Anemia
- Functional Impairment of Erythroid Progenitors
- Abn DNA sythesis: megaloblastic anemia
- ↑ RDW, ↑MCV
- Asynchronous RBC maturation
- ↓ Folate, B12, IF
- lack of functional IF = pernicious anemia
- MDS & erythroleukemia
- ↑ RDW, ↓ MCV, ↓ HGB, ↓ retic
- defective heme synthesis
- most common anemia
- Thalassemia
- Quantitative ↓ Hgb abn
- alpha and beta chain gene deletions
- Anemia of Chronic Dx & Inflammation
- Fe present but not available
- Most common hospital anemia
- Sideroblastic Anemia
- Acquired, Inherited
- Non heme iron trapped in mitochondria
- iron can't be used to make heme
- Abn Hgb synthesis
- N or ↓ retic
- Chronic Renal Dx
- ↓ EPO
- BM can't ↑ RBCs to compensate for tissue hypoxia
- Uremia, burr cells