Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Appearance...
- Opposite to
- 'his opposite'
- Big and strong
- 'a huge man shapeless of
face, with large sloping
- 'bult like an ox'
- Animal looks
- 'dragging his feet a little,
the way a bear drags his
- Attitudes...
- He is animalistic
- 'Snorting into the water
like a horse'
- Looks up to george
- 'Tell him George'
- Lennie is childlike
- 'he's jes a kid' (slim)
- He is innocent as he
doesnt know how to
- He asks lots of
inncoent questions
- Slim says he can see
immmediatly that
Lennie 'aint mean'
- Things he says...
- 'Tell me 'bout
the rabbits,
- 'Make um let
me alone
- 'didn't wanta
hurt him'
- 'she's purty'
- What he does...
- Befriends animals before people
- His Aunt Clara
gave him mice to
play with
- He always want to stroke soft things
- e.g. lady in Weed's dress
and Curley's wife's hair
- He attacks Curley, Curley's wife,
kills mice and throws the dead
mouse on the floor in anger.
- Relationships
- George is a parent to him
- He tells Lennie he'll make himself
sick if he drinks from the stream too
- He looks up to George
- During fight scene he refuses to engage
with Curley until george allows him to.
- Get 'im, Lennie!'
- 'Make um let me
alone George'.