Zusammenfassung der Ressource
An Inspector Calls chracters
- Eva Smith/Daisy Renton
- Described as "pretty"
despite of what class she is
- Of Working class
- She is poor & her parents are dead
- From just outside of Brumley
- Described as "country-bred" by Birling
- Eric
- He is not as concerned about social class
- He is embarrassed about the way his parent
treat those of a lower class
- "I'm ashamed of you"
- He supports the workers cause when
he hears about his fathers treatment
of them
- "Why shoudnt they try for higher
- He supported Eva by
giving her money
- He was happy to have a
relationship with a working class
- he doesn't care about Eva's class
- He feels guilty regardless
of who she is
- He was born into the
higher class
- Gerald Croft
- Did not care about Daisy's
social class
- He seems to have
genuinely cared about
Daisy in spite of who she
- He arranged for her to live in
a friends flat & he gave her
some money
- He pitied her when he first met her
- He helped when she was being harassed by
Alderman Meggarty
- High class (Aristocrat)
- Son of Lord and Lady Croft
- they are not overly impressed by his
engagement to Sheila
- Perhaps because the Birling's are lower in
social circles
- Perhaps because they are rvals of
Birling's business
- Wealthy
- Works with his father for
"Croft's Limited"
- Conflict
- Feels for
- "I was sorry for
- Attempts to rid his
- Tries desperately to prove
Inspectors non-existence
- Sybil Birling
- She was born into a
Higher class family
- She is a snob
- She's very aware of the difference in social class
- She is very dismissive of
- She claimed it was her "duty" to refuse help to a
working class girl
- Shes refuses to believe tht a
working class girl would refuse
(stolen) money
- "She was giving herself ridiculous
- "Girls of that
- She is irritated when Birling
wishes to praise the cook in
front of Gerald
- Narrow-minded
- Mr Birling social superior
- Denial
- Her own actions
- Claims she does not recognise the photograph
- "I did nothing i'm ashamed
- Actions of
- "There must be some mistake" (On Eric)
- "Scruples that were absurd in a girl in her position"
- Sheila
- She begins to
realise that social
class isn't
- She's embarrassed about the way
her parents treated Eva because of
her class
- "It frightens me
the way you
- "How can you Pretend that nothing
much has happened?"
- She feels guilty about how
she acted to Eva
- she feels "fully
- She considers the
conditions of her father's
- she show compassion when
she hears of Birling's
treatment of them
- "But these girls aren't cheap labour -
they're people"
- She is snobby and shallow about working
class people at the start
- Jealousy of Eva
- Born into a high class
- Auther
- He is aware of his
social superiors
- He shows of his ort
to Gerald
- "It's exactly the same port your
father gets"
- Worked his way up in class
- He was originally 2nd
- Slips into old
habits: thanks the
- Pround of his achievents
- Rich & in first class. He owns
his own business
- He is likely to be knighted
- "Just a knighthood of
- Lack of
- Refuses to accept
- "But the whole thing's different now!
- Capitalist
- Has an antithetical view
to Priestly
- "A man has to mind his own business."
- Greed
- "Working together...for
lower costs and higher