Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Punctuation
- Full stops come after regular
sentences e.g Julian wished he was
better at chess.
- Question marks come after
question e.g Are you going to
Shelly's party?
- Capital letters come after full
stops, if it a noun or if its a
name e.g 1 You are my brother.
I love you e.g 2 Britain is a cool
place e.g 3 Logan Paul is on of
the most amazing youtubers
- Commas
- Commas come in when you
are listing something e.g I'd
like to see Jane, Phil and
Peter after assembly.
- Colons and semicolons
- The colon basically means
'and', and the semicolon
means 'beacuse' and 'but'
so if you were to use
them in a sentence you
are replacing the words
they stand for
- Brackets /
- You put brackets when you
are adding extra information
that is a surbordinate clause
*e.g* (that doesn't make
sense on its own)
- Dashes
- Dashes come in when you are
starting a new sentence but still
relating to the past one e.g The
model-an enormous dinosaur
skeleton-was a big hit at the
museum. it also kind of acts
like brakets
- Apostrophes
- You would use
apostrophes when
you are showing
possession or
joining two words
e.g1 that is ruby's
phone eg2 You
don't (do not) have
to do that.
- Phrases and Clauses
- Subordinate clauses are
sentences that don't make
sense on their own e.g The
DVD, *which i bought
yesterday*, was actually a VDD
(very dusty disc)
- The main clause is
just a simple
sentence e.g I've
ran out of
- Connectives
- There are many different
types of connectives for
instance there is FANBOYS
(for, and, nor, but, yet, so). You
use them when you are joining
two clauses. e.g She remained
calm *until* I ran up and down
- Paragraphing
- You are likely to
start a new
paragraph when you
are changing the
subject (but it is
still relevant to the
basic gist)
T: Time
I: TIme
P: pLace
T: Topic
P: Place
- When ever
one of these
changes you
change the