Knee injuries in sport


Mindmap am Knee injuries in sport, erstellt von Marianna Kourlimpini am 20/06/2017.
Marianna Kourlimpini
Mindmap von Marianna Kourlimpini, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Marianna Kourlimpini
Erstellt von Marianna Kourlimpini vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Knee injuries in sport
  1. Target audience
    1. Anyone included with sports, having issues with their knees
    2. Purpose
      1. To inform people
        1. Like a self-diagnostic website
          1. Where people can look at their symptoms, see from what it was caused by, what has happened inside their knee and see treatment methods to heal their knee based on the injury.
      2. Deadlines
        1. Finish the product in the summer holidays
          1. From September until November have time to make corrections or adjastments
        2. Product
          1. Website
            1. html skills
              1. needs to be unique from other websites
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