Atomic structure and the periodic table


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Brodie McMeowface
Mindmap von Brodie McMeowface, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Brodie McMeowface
Erstellt von Brodie McMeowface vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Atomic structure and the periodic table
  1. Atoms
    1. The Nucleus
      1. Protons
        1. Determines what element it is
          1. Positive charge
          2. Neutrons
            1. Determines what isotope it is
              1. neutral charge
            2. Electrons
              1. Move in shells
                1. Determines the period of the element
                  1. First shell: 2, second: 8, third:8
                  2. Determines what ion it is
                    1. More means negative charge
                      1. Less means positive charge
                      2. negative charge
                      3. Neutral and have no charge normally
                        1. Protons = electrons
                        2. Protons + neutrons = approximate mass number
                        3. Elements
                          1. Contain molecules with one type of atom
                            1. 118 currently known with more predicted to be possible
                              1. Represented by symbols
                              2. Compounds
                                1. Made of two or more types of atoms
                                  1. Chemically linked through bonds
                                    1. Covalent
                                      1. Ionic
                                        1. Metallic
                                        2. Properties can be totally different from the properties of their elements
                                        3. Mixtures
                                          1. Made of two or more types of atoms or compounds
                                            1. But they are not chemically linked
                                              1. Properties are normally a mix of the properties of their components
                                                1. Can be separated without a chemical reaction
                                                2. Periodic table
                                                  1. Groups
                                                    1. 0-7 and transition metals
                                                      1. Group 1: alkaline metals
                                                        1. Very reactve
                                                          1. More reactive down the group as the electron is further from the nucleus
                                                            1. 1 electron in the outer shell
                                                              1. soft metals
                                                                1. Low density
                                                                2. Group 7: Halogens
                                                                  1. Less reactive as you go down because the outer shell is further away from the nucleus
                                                                    1. Very reactive
                                                                      1. Colored vapors
                                                                        1. Further down, higher melting points
                                                                        2. Group 0: noble gasses
                                                                          1. Inert
                                                                            1. outer shell always has 8 electrons
                                                                              1. Further down, higher melting points
                                                                          2. Periods
                                                                            1. Currently 7
                                                                          3. Separating mixtures
                                                                            1. Chromatography
                                                                              1. Separating mixtures into their components by allowing one to move and one to stay stationary
                                                                                1. Paper chromatography separates inks
                                                                                2. Filtration and crystallisation
                                                                                  1. Distillation and fractional distillation
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