Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Being aware of the service user
- Services in the widely adopted term for a person receiving care
- Anwar
- agreeing with the nurse, but not actually following
- Difficulties
- not cultural approiprate
- diet/exercise
- Language
- confused about condition
- Injections
- attendance declined
- Pakistani and Indian patients
experinces of scottish diabetes
services: a qualitative study
- Julia Lawton
- Difficulties experinced by indivivuals
- Poor Knowledge
- Langauge difficulties in asking questions
- long/antiscoial hours
- limited cultral sport as not part of cultural generally
- Food
- Wife responisble for cookings
- Social event
- Cutrual inappropriate advice
- Confusion
- David matthews
- Activity 11 DVD
- Cultural context creates challenges but offers opportunites
- Activity 13 DVD
- Encouraging effective self managment in diabetes
- William Polonsky
- Psychological senstivies
- Seems like a demanding job
- Can suffer with depression which many suffers do
- guilty
- engaging with pateints
- Family lives
- Financial burden
- access to shops
- Active dialogue with
health professionals
- engaging, informing,
educating & supprting
- Concordance vs compliance