Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Un Sac de Billes themes
- Absurdity of war
- pg 153-epiphany "je suis donc
son ennemi?". Major turning point
- Like many young people he
thought war was glorious
- Hating someone you
don't know because of
their race
- convince a new
generation to avoid
a repetition
- main aim of author is
to convince reader
- Loss of Innocence
- angry about
losing childhood
- hardened, streetwise,
guilt, teenager
- crisis for character
- Joe moves from unbounding
confidence. Normal child, plays,
cries, dependant
- Duality
- Good vs evil
- Collaboration and resistance
- people who should be good
and are not and vice versa
- Hommages aux Justes
- risk taking to save
Jewish children
- the priest
- whole book is
about this
- book could have
been about hate
- Danger of stereotyping