Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Energy Stores and Systems
- Energy is never used up, it's just
transferred between different
stores and objects
- Energy is transferred between stores
- When energy is
transferred to an
object, the energy is
stored in one of the
object's energy stores
- Energy stores
- Thermal (can be
called internal)
- Kinetic
- Gravitational potential
- Elastic potential
- Chemical
- Magnetic
- Electrostatic
- Nuclear
- Energy is transferred...
- Mechanically
(by a force
doing work)
- Electrically (work
done by moving
- By heating
- By radiation (light or sound)
- When a system changes, energy is transferred
- System: The object(s) that
you are interested in
- Can be transferred...
- Between different types of
energy stores
- Between different objects
- Into or away from the system
- Closed systems: systems
where neither matter nor
energy can enter or leave
- The net change in the total
energy of a closed system is
always zero
- Energy can be transferred by...
- Heating
- Boiling water in a kettle
- Water: System
- Energy is transferred to
the water (from the
kettle's heating
element) by heating...
- ...Into the water's
thermal energy store,
causing the
temperature of the
water to rise
- The kettle's heating element and
the water as a two-object
- Energy is transferred electrically to the
thermal energy source of the kettle's
heating element...
- ...Which transfers energy by heating to the water's
thermal energy store
- Doing work
- Work done = energy transferred
- Work can be done when
current flows or by a force
moving an object
- Examples:
- Throwing a ball
- Initial force exerted by a person to
throw a ball upwards does work
- Energy transfer from chemical store in
person's arm...
- ...To the kinetic store of the ball and the
- A ball dropped from height
- Accelerated by gravity, so
gravitational force does work
- Causes energy to be transferred from
the ball's gravitational potential store...
- ...To it's kinetic store
- A car's brakes
- Friction between the brakes and
wheels does work as it slows
- Causes energy transfer from the
wheels' kinetic store...
- ..To the thermal store of the surroundings
- A collision between a car
and a stationary object
- Normal contact force between the
car and the object does work
- Causes energy transfer from the car's
kinetic store...
- ..To other stores
- Elastic potential store of object and car body
- Thermal store of object and car body
- Some energy might also be
transferred away by sound waves