Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Metals Chemistry Mind Map
- Strong
- Cannot be easily broken
- Malleable and Ductile
- When you hit a metal, layers of ions slide
over each other and the structure is held
together by the electrons. Therefore the
structure changes shape instead of
- High melting and boiling points
- Except mercury, which is
liquid at room
- Many strong bonds need to
be broken during melting
- Good conductors of electricity
- Metals are made up of a lattice of positive
ions, through which a 'sea' of free electrons
are free to move
- Electrons can easily move
through the substance and carry
electric current
- Thermal vibrations are easily passed from
one molecule to the next because they are
very closely packed. Electrons can also
transfer heat throughout the structure
- Good conductors of heat
- High thermal conductivity
- Shiny when polished
- Lustrous
- More reactive metals
tend to build up a layer
of oxide on surface
which dulls them
- Eg: Rust on Iron
- High density
- React with oxygen to form basic oxides
- Can be made into alloys- A mixture of two metals
- Different sized atoms distort
the lattice and make it harder
for layers of atoms to slide over
each other
- Alloys are harder than metals