Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- • Starting informatio
- Knowledge environment
- Collaborative learning environment
- Practice learning environment
- Monitoring and evaluation environment
- Student´s Management environment
- Academic news Laboratory scheduling Programs and tuitions Saber Pro - ICFES Investigation management system
Students network Unique application format – UAF (FUS) Registration and Tuition Virtual campus authentication process
Student services
- 1 - Act. 1. Recognition task forum Unit 1 - Act. 2. Pre-knowledge task Files - Unit 1 - Act. 2. Pre-knowledge task Unit 2 -
Act. 3. Writing task forum Unit 1 - Act.Unit 4.Unit 1 - Task: Giving advice Files - Unit 1 - Act. 4. Unit 1 - Task: Giving advice Unit 1
- Act. 5. Speaking task Unit 2 - Act. 6 - Unit 2 - Task: Getting a job! Files - Unit 2 - Act. 6. Unit 2 - Task: Getting a ... Units 1-2 -
Act. 7. Task: General course review Units 1-2 - Act. 8 - Task: Oral and written produc...
- Guide for the development of the practical component: Learning by
- Synchronous assessment by Webconference Synchronous support by Skype In situ accompaniment Unit 1 - Giving advice -
Act. 1. Recognition task ... Activity guide_Unit 1_Act.1 Recognition task forum Unit 2 - Getting a job! - Act. 3. Writing task
forum Activity guide_Unit 2_Getting a job!_Act.3_Writing... Unit 1 - Giving advice - Act. 5. Speaking task Activity guide_Unit
1_Giving advice_Act.5_Speaking
- Course syllabus English Level II Unit 1 - Giving advice Unit 1 - Giving advice Unit 1.1. Fasten your seat belt Referencias bibliográficas
requeridas UNAD Florida, http://campus35.unad.edu.co/invil18/mod/resource/view.php?id=392 Unit 2.4. At the restaurant At the end of
this lesson you will be able to: Discuss alternatives. Order food at a classy restaurant. Referencias bibliográficas requeridas Unit 2.5.
What's on the news? .Referencias bibliográficas requeridas Glossary
- How to navigate in the classroom Course agenda Course presentation Duties and rights
Course News Course general forum