

Mindmap am Microphones!, erstellt von Kate Baldwin am 29/05/2014.
Kate Baldwin
Mindmap von Kate Baldwin, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Kate Baldwin
Erstellt von Kate Baldwin vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. What Is a microphone?
    1. A microphone is a devise which generates electricity from sound waves
    2. How do microphones work?
      1. The microphone produces a small induced voltage in a coil of wire when sound waves hit a diaphra.m
        1. It is simelar to a loud speaker in reverse with a diaphram instead of a paper cone
          1. This type of microphone is called a moving coil mircophone
      2. What happens?
        1. the waves strike the diaphragm and move it backwards and forwards ate the same frequency as the sound
          1. The moving diaphragm moves the coil backward and forward
            1. this induces a changing current at the same frequency as the sound
              1. this changing current called a signal, can be used for recording tot the signal can be sent to a amplifier which makes the signal big enough to drive loudspeakers
                1. The loudspeaker converts the signal back into the original sound
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