Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- ALIGNMENT: The term alienation is used in different senses in diverse disciplines, as the Medicine,
Psychology, Religion, Philosophy, Sociology or Political Science. The common idea to The various
concepts of alienation refer to something "alien" to itself that the subject no longer Controls, a good
that is sold, or an "I" that is strange
- DIRECTION: The management system is a set of mechanisms whose purpose consists in Guide the
front wheels (or guidelines) so that the driver can effortlessly guide the vehicle
- SUSPENSION: The suspension in an automobile, truck or motorcycle, is the set of elements that
Absorb irregularities in the terrain through which it is circulated to increase comfort and Vehicle
- BRAKES: The suspension in an automobile, truck or motorcycle, is the set of elements that Absorb
irregularities in the terrain through which it is circulated to increase comfort and Vehicle control
- ELECTRICITY: The suspension in an automobile, truck or motorcycle, is the set of elements Which
absorb the irregularities of the terrain by which it is circulated to increase the comfort and the
Vehicle control
- ENGINE: An engine is the systematic part of a machine capable of operating the system,
Transforming some type of energy (electrical, fossil fuel, etc.), mechanical energy Able to do a job. In
automobiles this effect is a force that produces the movement
- GEARBOX: In vehicles, the gearbox or gearbox (also called Simply box) is the element in charge of
obtaining in the wheels the sufficient motor torque for Set the vehicle in motion from a standstill,
and once on the road get a sufficient torque in They to overcome the resistances to the advance,
fundamentally those derived from the aerodynamic profile, Of friction with the rolling and of slope
in ascent.
- CLUTCH: The clutch is a system that allows both transmitting and interrupting the transmission From
a mechanical energy to its final action on a voluntary basis.
- TEST BANK: A test bench is a platform for experimentation of projects of Great development. Test
benches provide a rigorous, transparent way of testing And repeatable scientific theories,
computational elements, and other new technologies.
- OIL CHANGE: An oil change is when you replace the oil in your car. A change of Oil is simply the
process of removing used oil and oil filter and placing oil New (and a new filter) in the car