An Inspector Calls.


Mindmap am An Inspector Calls., erstellt von chaz.heer am 17/05/2013.
Mindmap von chaz.heer, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von chaz.heer vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

An Inspector Calls.
  1. Sheila Birling.
    1. 'squiffy' colloquical language& shows eric is drunk.
    2. Arthur Birling
      1. 'I speak as a hard-headed business man' shows pride in his success.
        1. 'unsinkable absolutely unsinkable' dramatic irony the audience knows something the charecter doesn't.
        2. Sybil Birling
          1. 'Girls of that class' prejudice. thinks she is socially and morally superior. emphasis on the word 'that' this shows her disgust in the working class.
          2. Eric Birling
            1. 'squiffy' colloquical language& shows he is drunk.
              1. 'Your not the kind of father a chap can go to when hes in trouble. not only hard headed towards the working calls but also his family. more concerned to cover up his wrong doings so he can avoid a social scandal. He has abandoned his duties as a father.
              2. Gerald Croft
                1. The Inspector
                  1. Context
                    1. set in the 1920's but written in the
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