what is critical thinking?


presentado por: yuleidy tapiero cardona y angie liceth valero grado: decimo dos fecha: 14....07....2017
Yuly Cardona
Mindmap von Yuly Cardona, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Yuly Cardona
Erstellt von Yuly Cardona vor etwa 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

what is critical thinking?
  1. able to make
    1. understand
      1. identify
        1. detect
          1. solve problems
            1. reflect
      2. not critizising other people
      3. think
        1. clear
          1. rational
          2. improve our thinking skills
            1. involves thinking about thinking
              1. theory
                1. have basic knowledge
                  1. practice
                    1. theoretical principles
                      1. attitudes
                        1. motivation and attitude
                          1. importance of reflection
              2. importance of the critical thinking
                1. improves skills
                  1. presentation
                    1. promotes activity
                      1. self-reflection helps
                2. some famaus phrases
                  1. studying and not thinking is usseles. thinking and studying is a danger
                    1. reading without reflection is like eating without digesting
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