Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- metal is mined or quarried
- metal ore
- lots of energy
- all metals can be recycled
- less energy
- lower environmental impact
- pollution
- pure metals are made from a single refined element
- or alloy- mixture of metals
- two main families
- ferrous-contain iron
- small proportion of carbon
- medium carbon steel
- as carbon increases up to 0.4%, steel becomes harder and stronger but less ductile tough and malleable
- garden tools, springs
- high carbon steel
- 'tool' steel- hammers
- stainless steel
- alloy of steel with chrome and nickel
- hard and tough, much better corrosion resistance- but much more expensive and difficult to work
- cast iron
- hard skin
- good compressive strength
- does not bend
- not very malleable
- mild steel
- less than 0.3% carbon
- nails, screws
- high tensile strength
- ductile
- tough
- fairly malleable
- fairly cheap
- poor resistance to corrosion
- some ferrous metals are magnetic
- magnets can sort retrieve them from landfill recycling
- non-ferrous- no iron
- aluminium, copper, zinc
- ductile + malleable+ low density + corrosion resistance
- alloyed to improve strength- airoplanes
- malleable, tough + v good elec conductor
- water pipes + electrical wires coated with plastic
- common alloys: brass (copper +zinc), bronze (copper + tin)
- often used as pure- less strong, but low melting point- easily moulded- car door handle
- excellent corrosion resistance
- galvanising- covering steel
- treating metals
- hardening
- ferrous- heating +then plunging into cold water
- cooling quickly- hard but brittle
- tempering
- then makes the material tougher and less likely to break
- heating to between 230-300C then cooling quickly
- heat treatment- heating and cooling a metal in a controlled way, to change its properties
- annealing: ferrous and non-ferrous
- softer, less brittle, more ductile
- heat- leave to cool slowly
- most metals available in standard range shapes and sizes
- standard forms save time and effort of machining metal parts
- like pipes and bars