Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Terence O'Neill
- Became PM of NI in March 1963
- Number of previous Governmental positions
- Improving the economy
- £900 million investment
- Set up 5 economic zones
- Update road/rail network
- Irish Trades Union Congress cooperation
- New Economic Council under Brian Faulkner
- New Ministry of Development
- New city [Craigavon]
- New university in Coleraine
- Successes
- MNCs opened in NI
- Michelin
- DuPont
- Goodyear
- Grundig
- New motorway system had begun
- Oil refinery opened in Belfast
- New airport being built
- ROI-NI electric supply deal
- Failures
- 20,000 jobs lost in ailing industries
- Subsidy to H & W to keep it afloat
- 7%-8% unemployment
- Refusal of MNCs to set up West of Bann