Terence O'Neill


History (Northern Ireland) Mindmap am Terence O'Neill, erstellt von matt.r.taylor am 17/05/2013.
Mindmap von matt.r.taylor, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von matt.r.taylor vor fast 12 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Terence O'Neill
  1. Became PM of NI in March 1963
    1. Number of previous Governmental positions
    2. Improving the economy
      1. £900 million investment
        1. Set up 5 economic zones
          1. Update road/rail network
            1. Irish Trades Union Congress cooperation
              1. New Economic Council under Brian Faulkner
                1. New Ministry of Development
                  1. New city [Craigavon]
                    1. New university in Coleraine
                    2. Successes
                      1. MNCs opened in NI
                        1. Michelin
                          1. DuPont
                            1. ICI
                              1. Goodyear
                                1. Grundig
                                2. New motorway system had begun
                                  1. Oil refinery opened in Belfast
                                    1. New airport being built
                                      1. ROI-NI electric supply deal
                                      2. Failures
                                        1. 20,000 jobs lost in ailing industries
                                          1. Subsidy to H & W to keep it afloat
                                            1. 7%-8% unemployment
                                              1. Refusal of MNCs to set up West of Bann
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