Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- ACID Properties
- Atomicity
- The transaction is performed
in its entirety or not at all.
- Consistency
- A transaction must transform
the database from one
consistent state to another.
- A successfully completed transaction
is committed by the DBMS.
- If the transaction is not completed
in its entirety, it is aborted.
- Aborted transactions are rolled
back to ensure consistency.
- Isolation
- Transactions should be isolated from other
transactions occurring at the same time.
- Hence the need for concurrency control.
- Durability
- Once a transaction is completed (committed), its
effects are permanently recorded in the database.
- These effects must not be lost
because of subsequent failures.
- Transaction Management
- Database Recovery
- The process of restoring the database
to a correct state should a failure occur
in the middle of a transaction.
- Preserves atomicity and durability.
- Concurrency Control
- The process of managing simultaneous operations on a
multi-user DB without allowing them to interfere with one another.
- Preserves consistency and isolation.
- Types of backup
- Complete copy of whole database.
- Incremental backup (copy of modifications made
since the last complete or incremental backup).
- Backups of the logs file.
- Concurrency Control
- The Scheduler
- A DBMS module responsible for implementing a
particular strategy for concurrency control.
- Allows the CPU to execute several transactions
concurrently instead of waiting for the I/O operations of
one transaction to complete before another can begin.
- Transactions are interleaved.
- The Lost Update Problem
- When two transactions accessing the same item
have their operations interleaved in a way that
makes the value of some database items incorrect.
- The Temporary Update
- When one transaction updates a database
item and then the transaction fails. Updated
item is accessed by another transaction
before it is changed back to its original value.
- The Incorrect Summary
- Aggregate function may calculate
some values before they are updated
and others after they are updated.
- Types of Schedules
- Serial Schedule
- Operations of each transaction
are executed consecutively.
- No interleaved operations from other transactions.
- Transactions cannot interfere with each other.
- Non-serial Schedule
- Operations from a set of concurrent
transactions are interleaved.
- Potential for interference between concurrent transactions.
- Concurrency Control (Locking)
- Locking
- Procedure used to control concurrent access to data (items).
- When one transaction is accessing a data item, a
lock may deny access to other transactions.
- Granularity of locks
- Entire database.
- A file.
- A page.
- A record.
- A field value of a record.
- Read (shared) locks
- If a transaction has a shared lock on a data
item, it can read the item but not update it.
- Read locks cannot conflict, so more than one
transaction can hold shared locks on the same item.
- Write (exclusive) locks
- Transaction can read and update item.
- Only one transaction at a time
can hold this lock on an item.
- Other transactions cannot lock,
read or update that item.
- Releasing locks.
- It explicitly releases lock during execution.
- Transaction terminates (commits or aborts).
- Two-Phase Locking (2PL)
- Transaction follows the two-phase locking protocol if all
locking operations precede the first unlock operation.
- Guarantees serializability and is the best known protocol.
- Growing Phase
- Transaction must lock every item it operates on.
- Transaction acquired all the locks it will
need and cannot release any lock.
- Shrinking Phase
- Transaction releases its locks.
- Once a lock has been released, no
new locks can be applied.
- Resolving Deadlocks
- Impasse that may result when two (or more)
transactions are each waiting for locks to be
released that are held by each other.
- Timeouts
- Transaction that requests a lock will wait for a
given time only and then the request times out.
- Simple and practical strategy, used
by several commercial DBMS's.
- Deadlock Prevention
- DBMS looks ahead to determine
if a transaction would cause a
- Wait - Die Strategy
- O needs a resource
held by Y. O waits.
- Wound - Wait Strategy
- O needs a resource
held by Y. Y dies.
- Deadlock Detection
and Recovery
- DBMS allows deadlock to occur but
recognises occurrences of deadlock and
breaks them.
- Deadlock detection handled by construction
of wait-for graphs that show transaction
- Deadlock recovery involves
aborting one or more transactions.
- Timestampting
- No locks involved,
avoids deadlocks.
- No waiting, conflicting transactions
are rolled back and restarted.
- Concurrency control protocol that orders
transactions in a way that older transactions
get priority in the event of a conflict.