Infection Control Program San Jose de Popayán University Hospital


programa de control hospital
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Nazareth Vanegas Quilindo
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Infection Control Program San Jose de Popayán University Hospital
  1. The objective of the program is to identify and combat the outbreaks of infections that can be registered at the Hospital Universitario San Jose de Popayán
    1. specific objectives
      1. Control of possible infections
        1. Surveillance of possible infections
          1. Prevention of possible infections
        2. Development activities
          1. Infection prevention activities
            1. By means of information sessions to all hospital personnel and especially to the professional medical staff. By means of campaigns of conscientizacion to the community that attends the University Hospital San Jose.
            2. Infection surveillance activities
              1. Directed to know the foci of infection and by means of it evital the contact and the propagation of these. Making detailed reports of possible sources of infection to counteract them.
              2. Infection control activities
                1. Focused on the correct treatment of the infections identified to counteract and eliminate their effect on patients
              3. Functional units
                1. Evaluation of health and quality services
                  1. Prevention and registration
                    1. Control program
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                    ähnlicher Inhalt

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