Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Saferlab work plan
- Comunication plan
- website
- content storage
- Digital content
- call for support
- marketing content
- - to share de cause (ex: http://www.heforshe.org/pt#take-action)
- to endorse the idea (crowdspeaking platafform, thunderclap)
- to take action (ex: ela faz história
- call for participation
- cretive ways of application
- application form
- application guidelines
- project information
- Mobilization strategies
- invites and meetings
- keys partners
- youth networks
- Human Resources
- Consultants
- Staff
- Mentors
- Digital Influencers
- Celebrities
- Trainning
- Webinars
- Content
- Online "toolbox"
- Dgital Citizenship
- Online Discussion
- Activities
- Immersion
- Content
- Cases
- Activities
- Inspirational conversation
- Mentoring and Mini Grants
- Communication skills
- Programming Skills
- Closing Event
- Bilateral Meetings
- Final Report