Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Vietnam 1954-72
- Background
- Before WW2, Vietnam
ruled by France
- In 1942, Japan invaded
& treated the Vietnamese
in a brutal way
- Strong resistance
movement was set
up by Ho Chi Minh.
- Ho Chi Minh had
lived in Europe &
studied Communism.
- In August 1945, Japan
was defeated & the
French returned to rule
- Ho Chi Minh & supporters
fought for independence
- Despite being supported by
USA, the French were defeated
at battle of Dien Bien Phu
- A Peace Treaty was signed, & France pulled out of Vietnam
- Vietnam was divided in two, Communist
North & Non-Communist South
- 1954-64: The USA supports Diem
- USA supported Diem with money,
equipment & military advisers who
trained South Vietnamese troops
- Advisers were soldiers, but
not combat troops
- Diem's regime was
corrupt - unpopular with
Vietnamese peasants
- Result - Communists in South
V (Vietcong) built up support -
got help from Ho Chi Minh
- In early 60s, Vietcong started
attacking South V army, & government
buildings & officials, inc Americans
- Used hit-and-run guerrilla
tactics - very effective
- By 1962, Vietcong controlled
much of countryside
- During 1963 & 1964, guerrilla
war continued & tension rose
between North & South
- Trigger came in 1964 when
North Vietnamese gunboats
attacked American warships
off Vietnam coast
- Lyndon Johnson sent
hundreds of thousands of
young Americans to fight
- People thought no way the
Vietcong could stand up to this!
- Why did the USA become
increasingly involved in Vietnam?
- Containment
- Stopping the advance of
communism wherever it looked
like it was gaining ground
- E.g. USA supported the French in Vietnam
- They thought the
Vietnamese were allied to
Communist China
- Also wanted to keep the
support of France against
Communism in Europe
- Domino Theory
- Closely linked
to containment
- President Eisenhower wa convinced
that China & USSR were planning to
spread communism throughout Asia
- If Vietnam fell to Communsim, then
Laos, Cambodia, Burma, Thailand
and possibly India might too
- USA determined to resist the spread
of communism in Vietnam, which
they saw as first domino in the row
- American Politics
- In 1950s and 1960s, during
eletion time, it was a sure
vote winner to talk tough
about communism
- Sure vote loser to look
weak on communism.
- In 1960 election campaign, John F
Kennedy promised to continue the
tough politics of Eisenhower
- Military-Industrial Complex
- In 1961, Eisenhower warned that
America had developed a powerful
'military-industrial complex'
- Government gave huge budgets
to the military commanders
- These budgets were spent on weapons
contracts which went to huge corporations
- Both, military & big businesses gained from conflict
- Eisenhower didn't accuse business & military
leaders for anything, but in last speech as
President, he warned American people not to
let these groups become too influential
- Tactics
- Vietcong
- Vietcong Soldiers
- 170,000 soldiers with weapons
supplied by Communist China &
- Used guerrilla warfare.
- Lead by Ho Chi Minh
- Successes
- Very effective
- US soldiers lived in constant
fear of attack or ambush
- Difficult to identify, to find
& to fight - wore down
morale of US soldiers
- No failures
- Guerrilla Warfare
- Launched surprise attacks
on enemy camps
- Used tunnels & underground to hide
- No uniform - difficult for
US soldiers to identify
Vietcong soldiers
- Success
- Americans were not strong
enough to defeat Vietcong
- No failures
- Americans
- Bombing
- Bombed Vietcong
strongholds, supply
lines & cities in North V
- Successes
- Vietcong supply lines disrupted
- North's industry &
military production
badly damaged
- Extensive bombing of North
encouraged Communist
leaders to seek end to war
- Failures
- North's effort slowed,
but not stopped
- Vietcong used underground
passaged which bombing didn't affect
- Cost was huge - communists
destroyed 14,000 US & South's aircraft
- Chemical Weapons
- US developed Agent Orange - used
to destroy jungle foliage in order to
find Vietcong fighters
- Napalm - highly inflammable &
burnt everything which it came
into contact with
- Failure
- Napalm was very
controversial - many civilians
suffered extensive burns
- Search and Destroy
- To deal with guerrilla tactics -
US & South Vietnamese used
helicopters to land quickly
near Vietnamese villages & kill
hiding Vietcong fighters
- Success
- Many Vietcong soldiers killed
- Failures
- Vietcong often set traps for
inexperience US soldiers
- Sometimes wrong villages were
attacked & burned as intelligence
was often inadequate & out of date
- Large no. of Vietnamese civilian casualties
- Made US soldiers very
unpopular with local
civilians - encouraged
many to join Vietcong