Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Celebrating Shabbat
- During friday the house is
tidied and the table set, so
that everything is ready to
welcome the Sabbath
- It is always the wife or mother in a Jewish
family who begins the Sabbath celebrations.
The first thing she does is light two candles. A
she lights them, she say a prayer which asks
God to bless the home
- There is always a service in the
synagogue on a Friday evening.
When the family return home the
father blesses the children and
reads from the scriptures
- The table is always covered with a
clean white cloth, the meal begins when
the father recites a blessing called the
Kiddush over a cup of wine.
- Sabbath hymns are sung as the
family sits at the table.
- There are always two
loaves of challah bread, a
blessing is said over the
bread before it is eaten.
- On Sabbath morning many
Jews go to the service in the
- To make Sabbath
different from any other
day Jews must rest
completely and not do
any work.
- The Sabbath ends on Saturday evening, when the father says another
blessing called the havdalah. A special plaited candle is lit, and everyone
smells a special box of spices.
- After the blessing the havdalah candle
is put out by dipping it in a cup of wine.
Shabbat is over when three stars can
be seen in the sky.
- Intoduction
- Shabbat is the
Jewish day of rest
and worship
- Shabbat is the Hebrew
word for sabbath
- It begins at sunset on
Friday evening, and lasts
until dusk on Saturday
- Shabbat is the
oldest of the Jewish
- Jews remember the
story in the book of
Genesis about how
God made the world.
The story says that
God worked for six
days and on the
seventh day he
- Jews think that Sabbath is
very important. They believe
that it is a special gift from God.
It is a day of peace and rest.
- It is sometimes called 'Queen Sabbath"