Specific topic 7.7 Timber (tools/equipment/processes)


GCSE Edexcel New Specification Mindmap am Specific topic 7.7 Timber (tools/equipment/processes), erstellt von T Andrews am 01/08/2017.
T Andrews
Mindmap von T Andrews, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
T Andrews
Erstellt von T Andrews vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Specific topic 7.7 Timber (tools/equipment/processes)
  1. 7.7.1 Tools and equipment
    1. Hand tools
      1. Machinery
        1. Digital design and manufacture
        2. 7.7.2 Shaping
          1. Drilling
            1. Use of rasps and surforms
              1. Cutting
                1. Planing
                  1. Chiselling
                    1. Turning
                      1. Face plate
                        1. Between centres
                        2. Carving
                          1. Abrading
                            1. Glass pape
                          2. 7.7.4 Assembling
                            1. Ironmongery
                              1. Hinges
                                1. Knock-down fittings
                                2. 7.7.3 Fabrication/construction
                                  1. Lamination
                                    1. Addition
                                      1. Veneering
                                        1. Wastage
                                          1. Use of screws
                                            1. Nailing
                                              1. Adhesives
                                                1. PVA
                                                  1. Contact ahesive
                                                  2. Jointing
                                                    1. Butt, dowel, lap,housing, mitre,mortise and tenon, dovetail
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