Zusammenfassung der Ressource
PNA - Resistance
- Section 1 - ntroduction
- 1.1 The Problem
- 1.2 Types of Resistance
- 1.3 Submerged Bodies
- 1.4 Surface Ships
- Section 3 - Frictional Resistance
- 3.1 General
- 3.2 Froude's
- 3.3 Two-dimensional Frictional Resistance Formulations
- 3.4 Development of Frictional Resistance Formulations
- 3.5 The Work of the Towing Tank Conferences
- Section 4 - Wave-Making Resistance
- 4.1 General
- 4.2 Ship Wave Systems
- 4.3 Wave-Making Resistance of Surface Ships
- 4.4 Theoretical Calculation of Wave-Making Resistance
- 4.5 Interference Effects
- 4.6 Effects of Viscosity on Wave-Making Resistance
- 4.7 Scale Effect on Wave-Making Resistance
- Section 5 - Other Components of Resistance
- 5.1 Eddy Resistance, Viscous Pressure Drag, Separation
Resistance and Wave-breaking Resistance
- 5.2 Air and Wind Resistance
- 5.3 Added Resistance due to Waves
- 5.4 Appendage Resistance
- 5.5 Trim Effects
- 5.6 Shallow-Water Effects
- 5.7 Resistance increase due to leeway and heel, with