Cap 1 Stallings


Resumen Cap 1 William Stallings
Kenneth Corrales
Mindmap von Kenneth Corrales, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Kenneth Corrales
Erstellt von Kenneth Corrales vor etwa 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Cap 1 Stallings
  1. Organization
    1. Is related of how works the hardware, how interact every component to do every process
    2. Architecture
      1. Refers to a visible specification for the computer (instructions). Also mean everything related with Data that is used
      2. How a Computer works?
        1. Function
          1. Basically a computer works with 4 process
            1. Data Processing
              1. Is necessary for a computer understand what should do, how process the data
              2. Data Save
                1. At least the most simple computer, should be able to have storaged the instruction that is executing, of course a complex one have a lot of ways to storage data
                2. Data Transfer
                  1. Any computer needs move data in himself . That means, send it to the different components. Also send data to peripherical instruments and his enviroment
                  2. Control
                    1. Is the way as the word say "control" the other three process. Check everything works well
                3. Structure
                  1. Can be simplified to 4 structural components
                    1. Central Processing Unit (CPU)
                      1. Control the correct operation, and do the processes
                        1. Components
                          1. Control Unit
                            1. Control the operations of the CPU
                            2. ALU
                              1. Process data and functions
                              2. Registers
                                1. Is a little storage memory in the CPU
                                2. Interconncetions
                                  1. Connect the ALU, with registers and the control unit
                            3. Main Memory
                              1. The place where you can save data
                              2. I/O
                                1. Works with the environment the external, and internal components
                                2. Connections
                                  1. Make the communication between all the parts possible.
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