
Mindmap am WHY RECYCLE ?, erstellt von Mousa almahameed am 14/08/2017.
Mousa almahameed
Mindmap von Mousa almahameed, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Mousa almahameed
Erstellt von Mousa almahameed vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. There are three recycling sections
    1. energy.
      1. power derived from the utilization of physical or chemical resources, especially to provide light and heat or to work machines
        1. example:It serves to fill the needs that increase the energy: Like !!
          1. Machines
            1. Electricity
              1. fire
      2. pollutions
        1. Pollution is not recycling. Pollution is the destruction of the environment, animals, fish and air. It harms our health, such as smoke and animals
          1. You know that pollution harms health like
            1. Smoke
              1. Smoke factories
                1. Water is unclean
        2. recycle
          1. When we recycle things we take them and use them again and sometimes we use them to get energy like fire and take advantage of the ground
            1. You know that recycling is important in our lives like
              1. Metal
                1. Plastics
                  1. Aluminum
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