Q1-Cleaning our drinking water?


Mindmap am Q1-Cleaning our drinking water?, erstellt von douaa almahameed am 17/08/2017.
douaa almahameed
Mindmap von douaa almahameed, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
douaa almahameed
Erstellt von douaa almahameed vor etwa 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Q1-Cleaning our drinking water?
  1. water that is soft for people to drink and to use for cooking washing and bathing.
    1. Q2-How is river water cleaned so that it is drinkable?
      1. 1-water is cleaned and purified before it is ready to drink.2-water is cleaned and purified before it is ready to drink
        1. Q4-why is fluoride sometimes added to water ?who would benefit most?
          1. because fluoride is added to the water to help prevent tooth decay
      2. Q3-how does reverse osmosis work?
        1. one way to desalinate sea water is reverse osmosis. this method forces sea water through a membrane under high pressure. the membrane acts like a strainer that stops salt from passing through,but allows fresh water to go through
          1. Q5-why should we clean water from a river before drinking it?
            1. because water has many chemicals
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