intercultural bussines


Mindmap am intercultural bussines, erstellt von nicolas uribe am 22/08/2017.
nicolas uribe
Mindmap von nicolas uribe, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
nicolas uribe
Erstellt von nicolas uribe vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

intercultural bussines
    1. Cultural codes
      1. Set of images associate with stereotypes in our mind
        1. Variate depending on the location- Not universal
          1. Depend on specific behaviors
            1. Such as
              1. Culture
                1. Norms
                  1. Religion
                    1. Country
                  2. they process in
                    1. Important for
                      1. business relationships with other people from different places
                      2. They are imprinted in the early childhood
                        1. Imprint can occur later in life
                          1. Supervival brain- Reptilina
                            1. Emotional brain- Limbic
                              1. Thinking brain- Neo cortex
                            2. Helps to reveal the hidden clues to understanding ourselves and others
                            3. Cultural dimensions
                              1. Divides into 3 dimension
                                1. first dimension
                              2. Hofsted theory
                                1. Videos and ted Tales
                                  1. Iceberg theory
                                    1. Culture like icebergs are more define for what is unseen than seen
                                      1. The things we see are important parts to explain how culture interacts and maintain they sensity
                                        1. Culture is made from visible and invisible things
                                          1. You can observe a 10%
                                            1. some examples are
                                              1. Dress, food, language, literature, rituals, games visual arts, etc
                                              2. Some of the things you can't are:
                                                1. Beliefs, communication style, values, notions of modesty, competition, ethics, act
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